In Your Element

Ep. 9: Education in the Workforce — Why Schools Need Corporate Partnerships with Ray Lutzky

Episode Summary

Eric Stoller is joined by Ray Lutzky, Director of the Academic Network at InStride and Adjunct Professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. In this episode, they discuss the growing sector of employer-funded educational partnerships.

Episode Notes

This fast-paced show drops listeners into a compelling conversation about higher education. In Your Element asks innovative leaders about the challenges, wins, and future of everything from meeting enrollment numbers to equity in education.

In this episode of In Your Element, host Eric Stoller is joined by Ray Lutzky, Director of the Academic Network at InStride and Adjunct Professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

Together, Eric and Ray discuss the growing sector of employer-funded educational partnerships and other topics such as:

Learn more about this episode in our show notes.