In Your Element

Ep. 2: In Your Element with Eric Stoller and Guest Melanie Gottlieb — Interim Executive Director of AACRAO

Episode Summary

Eric has a deep-dive conversation with Melanie Gottlieb, Interim Executive Director at AACRAO. They discuss many hot topics, including the challenges facing enrollment management professionals, the current state of employee recruitment in higher ed, and the ways that ed tech will affect the future of admissions.

Episode Notes

This fast-paced show drops listeners into a compelling conversation about higher education. In Your Element asks innovative leaders about the challenges, wins, and future of everything from meeting enrollment numbers to equity in education.

On this episode of In Your Element, Eric Stoller has a deep-dive conversation with Melanie Gottlieb — Interim Executive Director at AACRAO. Tune into this episode to learn the following:

Learn more about this episode in our show notes.